The Giver, a Turnaround in the Game

15. May 2024

How are you doing? Don't just tell me the usual, "I'm fine." Take a moment and consider how you really feel. Are you happy, sad, lonely, disappointed, excited, exhausted, empty or feeling great?

So, how are you really? I hope that just by reading these lines you've come a little closer to yourself.

Do you have enough energy? Do you give to others without first recharging yourself?

Nature rests in the winter before blooming, growing and giving. It adapts to every season and does't give twelve months in the year.

A sick fruit tree doesn't grow many flowers in the spring and has even fewer fruits. Nature is honest. It doesn't give if it isn't the right time. If you're unwell, it isn't the right time to give. That makes sense, right?

Nature heals itself first before giving.

Pruning the fruit trees maintains balance and helps the fruit quality. How do you maintain your balance to ensure a good quality of life? Are you talking to a friend? Do you've someone who helps you to take care of your body, mind and soul? Taking care of yourself takes time.

A lack of water one year changes the amount of fruit a tree bears the following year. The tree doesn't exhaust itself. It provides less fruit. It has self-love and an understanding of its conditions.

A fruit tree won't grow new flowers after hailstorm in the spring or summer.It doesn't say, "I've the energy to bloom one more time to carry fruit in the fall." He lives in the moment and accepts. We understand the conditions of nature.

Even a healthy tree will drop some fruits before they're ripe. The conditions have to be right. Sun and water. It doesn't sacrifice itself.

What state are you in when you give? Are you a continuous giver? Does giving make you empty? Are the conditions in your environment right for giving? Are you giving yourself what you need?

Nature doesn't give without resting and growing. Growing is great. Giving tastes sweet. Rest through out the year, depending on the season and the environment you're in.

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